More About Me
An honest, transparent and deep subject matter expert, I’m known for my informal and informative approach to leading change. Bringing analytical thinking and a consultative approach to challenges, I provide services in a focused and effective way, advocating for equality of opportunity, rights and understanding.​
Having over 15 years’ experience in people, policy and operational management, I found my niche working in gender equality and EDI back in 2018. I realised I could turn my drive for social justice, advocacy and positive inclusion, along with skills in leadership, training and coaching, into a real and exciting career.
Previously a board director, school governor and mentor I enjoy getting to the root cause of barriers to diversity and equity, and my natural analytical style coupled with a friendly investigative approach, allows me to work in a collaborative and advisory way, ensuring your business priorities and desired outcomes can be achieved.​
One of my priorities is ensuring my consultancy service is relevant and I am up to date with EDI knowledge in this fast-paced sector, and I enjoy learning in this environment with national and international leadership groups. Being able to build rapport quickly, has provided me with success, a good reputation amongst my peers, and allows me to be proactive, involved and drive inclusive thought leadership. I speak at events, write communications and articles about key topics, facilitate conversations around inclusion and staff networks, and have built successful and impactful action plans for recruiting – and retaining! – a diverse workforce.​
My skills lie in effective communication methods, colleague engagement, leadership accountability and genuine advocacy and allyship across a range of EDI themes and topics. Creating strategies that are meaningful, measurable and clear, come from my collaborative approach in the workplace, resulting in progressing your EDI work.